A Race to the Finish

Which one of these will be the 25th finish in my 25-project challenge?

Striped Bass-Julie Pischke canvas
Lights of Advent ornament (JCS ornament issue)

The Striped Bass (my name for it) has been a project for long-distance trips in the car for awhile now. I find the metallics tricky to work with in the car, so it's now getting a strand a day at home.
The ornament is my car project. I stitch on it while I wait for my daughter to make her appearance for the trip to the high school (she is not a morning person), before I go into work in the morning because I refuse to enter the building before 7:30, and while I'm waiting to pick my daughter up from one of her many activities. School's done on Friday, though.
Which one will be finished first? Your guess is as good as mine!


  1. Susan - I LOVE your fish canvas - I have ocean type things in my sun room - that is where my mermaid rug lives and one day if I live long enough - Hopefully Shore of HRH will live LOL - thanks for your kind comments about our break in - it's nice to know friends care about your difficult times. I LOVE your Moira piece - now I'm wondering if I have that one -hummm - your new rotation sounds interesting but I think I would forget how many days I was supposed to be working on what LOL - I am much more a *well what do I feel like working on tonight* stitcher. I am trying to "strand a day" mantra with one of my really big hook rugs however nothing has gotten done in my house since the invasion occured - I hope I can get my groove back this weekend as I am hosting our sampler guild for a luncheon and full day of stitching. Love your blog - you're doing great! Mel


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