My Feet Hurt

I've spent the summer in flip-flops (or more accurately, Fit Flops, those sandals that are supposed to tone your legs. Still waiting for that to happen.) but today, in honor of the first day of school for my students, I donned a real pair of shoes. Big mistake. I spend a lot of time traveling from classroom to classroom and by mid-morning, I was feeling the hurt. So lesson learned and tomorrow, I'll be back to more comfortable footwear.

Other than that, the day went fine, with only a few tears from children and parents. The other good news today was that the ruling was issued for the hearing I was involved in regarding a student's placement. The ruling was in favor of the school district and the parents were denied all their requests. Good news for us, indeed, but I do worry about the child involved in all of this.

The picture is of the July Bauble by Sam Sarah Designs. I started this during our trip to LA and finished it a week or so ago. I need to add small buttons on each flip-flop but won't do that until I'm ready to make it into a cube-it.


  1. Susan, this is an ever so cute finish! Love the flip flops!

    Glad school started smoothly...always wear good comfortable shoes, always the best thing, when you are on your feet all day!

  2. Love those Fit Flops! I have one pair and I want more. Thanks for the link to the article about Rittenhouse Needlepoint - I agree - if anywhere near Philly in the future I hope to pay a visit. I hope to hear a report from you - I'm sure you'll get by there before I will. We have a new shop in our area too - Bristly Thistle from Michigan has opened a 2nd shop in the resort area of Amelia Island where our ANG chapter is based - Always good to see shops opening when so many are closing. Mel

  3. I wish you all the best with all the school stuff.


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