WIPocalypse Check-in #3

I know I don't have to have a finish in order to post for the WIPocalypse, but it sure feels good to have three finishes in three months!  Here's Lizzie Kate's ABCs of Aging Artfully which was fun to stitch despite several miscountings that required frogging.  I haven't decided whether to finish it as a pillow or to frame it, but either way, it will go in the guest room. 

Right now, though, the "guest room" is still a semi-shrine to my older son.  The son who went to college in Miami, graduated four years ago and has lived in Los Angeles and New York since then. The son who has not spent more than two consecutive weeks in the room since the summer of 2006.  He just got a new job that gave him a nice increase in his income and at the same time, found a new apartment to share with a friend from high school.  After 18 months of living in sublet rooms, he has signed his own lease and now can become an official New Yorker.  At some point in the near future, we'll be taking some furniture from his room up to the new apartment and then I'll start looking at paint chips and carpet samples so we can redecorate.  I'll be sure to share pictures of that work in progress!


  1. Nice Lizze Kate! And your guest room. lol! I'm hoping that doesn't happen around here! My DD is graduating in June and I'm hoping she'll let us claim her room really soon after that. We shall see! Congrats to your son -- that's great that he's doing so well! NYC is a great place to live. I recently read that some ridiculously high percentage of New Yrokers are single -- something like 1 in 5. Or was it 1 in 2? It was something startling anyway.

  2. Congrats on another finish!!
    Sounds like your son is doing really well and on the right track!

  3. Your finish looks great!
    I have started that one - need to get back to it!

  4. You beat me! I haven't picked this one up for a couple months. I think I'm finishing it as a big fluffy pillow.....when I finishing stitching it that is.

  5. You can stitch! I had to frog half a row, but I stitched them back. Slow and steady, and you win.


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