FNSI Report

 Thanks to a significant amount of time on the stitching couch on Friday night, the ABCs of Aging Artfully went from  this                                          

to this. 

I apologize for the poor picture quality.  The first picture was taken in the early evening after a marathon day at work (it's report card time) and I grabbed the second shot right before I headed out to Weight Watchers and then on breakfast with a friend (definitely not a Weight Watcher's event).  There wasn't any stitching yesterday, but I did get the taxes done and filed for my children.  Even though I still have to finish ours, I feel that a big job has been accomplished.  I'm hoping for some time to stitch this afternoon and would really like to finish this piece today.  I've already gone diving in the stash for the next WIP I want to finish.


  1. It's so pretty! You are a good mother, doing the taxes for your kids.

  2. I love your stitchery. I have that same ABCs of Aging Artfully on a large ceramic tile. I love it.


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