Moo (A C.O.W.* post)

*Cranky Old Woman (a la Nancy)

I placed an order for a single item with a well-known on-line needlework shop earlier this summer. The item was back-ordered which was OK with me. A package from the store showed up about four weeks later, but when I opened it, the contents were not my order and the sale slip had someone else's name on it. I called the store and told them about the error. The response was "How did that happen?" and then I was asked to return the package to them. A few days later, I got a call from the store and was asked for my address. I did return the package the next day, at my own expense during an extra trip to the post office. About two weeks later, I finally received the item I wanted after yet another phone call to the store to check on whether the package was on its way (it had gone out in that day's mail). In the meantime, my credit card had been charged.

Why am I cranky? Because the shop made no effort to thank me for returning the incorrect order to them. After all, I could have kept it (and it was a chart I had been eyeing along with fabric and all the threads) and claimed that I had never received what I had ordered. Obviously, it didn't occur to me to do that as I couldn't be that dishonest. But don't you think a note in the package with the correct item would have been a nice touch? Or maybe a thank-you during one of the phone calls? Or an offer to reimburse my return postage? I'll think twice about ordering from that shop again. What would you do in this situation?


  1. I'd demand to be reimbursed. And I'd tell everyone else so we know who's too cheap to pay for their own mistake.

  2. I can understand what you would be peeved. Where has common courtesy gone? Not to mention, you are the customer and the reason they have a job.

  3. So they didn't reimburse you for the postage for sending it back even? Ahem. I'd be pretty annoyed. Hey, just tell us what the store was and they'll learn their lesson. :D

  4. I'm sitting here wondering what store that is! I would think they would have the common courtesy to reimburse the postage as well as discount your package if not give it to you for your honesty. Just a perfect example that it just doesn't pay to be honest anymore. Annoying!!

  5. I would have asked for a post paid envelope or sticker if they wanted it back. Depending on the size of the company I wouldn't necessarily have expected a Thank You (large companies won't keep track but a smaller one might) but I wouldn't have been prepared to fund their mistake. 3 times in the past I've been allowed to keep the wrong goods when I've been honest.
    I got sent a telescope by mistake once (sis had ordered something else for me) but the courier came back and collected it. Shame really, I'd have liked a free telescope!

  6. I'd ask for a post paid envelope and if that didn't happen, I'd publish the name of the place on my blog. Mooo!

  7. Good customer service means that they offer you a nice gift certificate or credit back also. That's what Fat Quarter Shop did for me last month when they put the wrong postage on my package - imagine, a Large Priority Flat Rate box, and they only put Medium box postage on it - and I had to pay to get it out of hock at the post office. I called and they were so gracious and apologetic, and offered me a credit of more than double what I had to pay in extra postage. Left me smiling and that's why I'm saying their name. The good ones need to get credit for their good works.

  8. You should at least get store credit for the postage... how rude!! I had this happen once - got a great package with wonderful stash that I had not ordered - called the store to let them know and offered to forward it to the rightful owner so it would get there quicker. She gave me double my postage costs as store credit - and just so you know who provides this wonderful customer service - its Karen with Wasatach Needlecraft. She is great!!

  9. Moo! Perhaps you should send them a picture of a cow, with a link to this post and a bill for the postage. Someone at that company really slipped up.

  10. Ya know, quilters are a pretty tight community. I think you should call the store and tell them directly the sequence of events. I believe the first person that should know I have a complaint is the person who made the mistake. That being said, if they still don't offer any satisfaction, then we'd all be happy to know the business name - after all quilters are a tight community and we all depend on the reputation of a business to know where we want to spend our precious quilty dollars.

  11. Susan - I'm also wondering what store this was - I've had some troubles of my own lately and have been rethinking who I spend my hard earned money with. I can understand your not wanting to print a name on your blog - that is somewhat tasteless I feel personally but I do definitely feel they owe you postage at a minimum. Maybe you can drop me an email and tell me who it was so if it is the same that I've had trouble with - I can drop them with no regrets. YGG - Mel

  12. I think that I would call and talk with the owner...they may not even know - and tell them the name of whomever you spoke with if you have it. I would also tell them why you won't order from them again - my LNS ships anywhere in the U.S. (and out of the country, I think) and they are super - let me know if you want their name!!

    sherry :o)

  13. I'd call them. Granted, they may do nothing, but you might feel better. I'm beginning to think customer service is an almost-lost art.

  14. I'd just give up. I mean....if they did nothing to fix the mistake, I'd give up on them. That is, I would stop using their services.


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