Shop Hop Recap

Last weekend, I participated in a local Shop Hop for the first time. It was an event that I was greatly anticipating and my goal was to explore some new shops and do a bit of stash enhancement. I started out from work around 4:00 and pointed the car east to the first shop. It was one I had been to several times before and didn't expect to be wowed by the merchandise so I wasn't disappointed when I didn't find much there. I was a little discouraged at Shops 2 and 3 when I didn't see any "must have" fabrics in them either. I began to doubt my wisdom in embarking on the adventure especially since I was driving around at night in unfamiliar territory and had already gotten lost between both Shops 1 and 2 and Shops 2 and 3. But Shop 4 was a real gem since that's where I found these yummy Civil War fabrics that I'll use to make the blocks I collected at each establishment. I arrived at Shop 5, my LQS, about 10 minutes before closing. After a quick stop to pick up dinner, I headed home to do a little sewing before bed.

On Saturday morning, I got up early, worked on my daughter's quilt and then prepared for part 2 of the Shop Hop. All was going well until about half an hour into my drive to Shop 6, I realized that I hadn't brushed my teeth! Fortunately, I had some water and a mint with me, and I guess that worked since I didn't notice anyone backing away from me during the day! I hit the jackpot at Shop 6. That's where I found the pattern and most of the fabric for the quilt I made for my oldest last weekend. The shop happens to be close to the place where my sampler guild meets so I'm sure I'll be back there in the next month or two. The rest of the shops were all great (I had been to three of them before) and I managed to increase my stash with neutrals and some cute Christmas prints. (Those prints really are red!). You already know what happened when I got home on Saturday and it won't be a surpise to you that I went to work on Monday exhausted but satisfied from all the fondling of fabric.


  1. Ooooh, nice stash haul! Sounds like a fun shop hop!

  2. You did better than I did! I went to 2 shops, was going to go back to the first shop later with some money for some fabric I found to make a quilt with, but at the 2nd shop(I had my money by then) I bought a kit, backing and binding for a beautiful quilt that just called to me. I spent all my money. A very short shop hop for me! Isn't new stash fun?

  3. Shop hops are fun, but way tiring! I love your fabric finds. Civil War fabric is gorgeous! Sounds like it was all worth it in the end,

  4. Forget the Shop Hop! I laughed at the forgetting to brush your teeth. OMG SO eager to shop. Carry some Dentine in your purse. Too funny. Nothing, not even personal hygiene, gets in the way of our crafting!


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