Polishing My Halo

"Polishing my halo" is what my mother used to say to congratulate herself when she had finished a large or tedious household task. I've been taking advantage of the uninterrupted time I have with my husband at work and all of the kids away to do some serious cleaning. The using a toothbrush to scrub the tiles kind of cleaning. My house is thanking me and my halo will be shining brightly by the end of this week.

When I take a break, I've been reading Stuff by Randy Frost. It's about compulsive hoarders, a disorder that has fascinated me since I saw a TV show or two about it. The book is extremely readable even though it presents Frost's research about the basis of hoarding. I think one of the things that makes it so good is that he really seems to like the people he studied. Reading their stories makes it a lot easier to clean out the closets.


  1. You know, people think I'm nuts to like cleaning like that. And while time consuming, what a wonderful sense of accomplishment it brings!

  2. I have a dear friend who is a hoarder. Everytime I go to visit her, when I come home, I throw out a couple bags of stuff. Today I've been finishing the seasonal closet change-over and am filled with chagrin over how many T-shirts I have! Clearly it is time to weed.

  3. I went to the college where Randy teaches. In general, he's a very agreeable, very approachable guy. He's won a number of teaching awards, too. I'm glad you like the book.

  4. Good for you on the cleaning binge! It always feels good to do that. Here, we're cleaning out the attic and closets. It seems like a never ending job.


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