What a Nice Surprise!

Robin over at Crafting with the Stich Witch sent me a Beautiful Blogger award last week. It's my first ever blog award. Thank you, Robin! I really appreciate it!
I've had a pretty busy week and I didn't get a chance to go over and grab the award until tonight. My sister, her husband and their daughter-in-law, along with the DIL's dog, stayed with us on Saturday night. My sister lives in Iowa and I haven't seen her for two years. We talk on the phone, e-mail and send pictures often, but it was so great to actually see her. And then there were progress reports for my students and the quilt guild meeting last night along with the time change which robbed me of a much needed hour of sleep. Rarely an idle moment here!
So here's how the award works:
1. One must accept the award
2. Thank the person who gave you the award.
3. Add a link to the person who gave you the award.
4. Paste the award on your blog.
5. Write 10 things about yourself others might not know

Pass the award on to 10 others
After some thought, I've come up with ten things you probably don't know about me.
1. I grew up in a town of about 300 in southeast Nebraska. There were 34 students in my high school class because two towns combined their school students when I was in junior high. Before that, there were about 20 students in my class.
2. My husband and I were both state presidents of the Student National Education Association. We met at a Student NEA convention in New Orleans and had a long distance romance. We've been married nearly 35 years.
3. I once sang with the Boston Pops. OK, it was their sing-a-long at the end of their program and everyone else in the audience was participating, but still. . .
4. I tore a calf muscle running from third base to home on the Field of Dreams in Dyersville, Iowa during a game with my sister's family. It was really painful, and somehow the incident comes up in conversation with my sister or her husband about once a month.
5. I love to read mysteries and when I find a new author I prefer to start with the first book in the series and continue on in chronological order.
6. I am a lifetime member of Weight Watchers. One of these days I may get back to my goal weight.
7. I'm pretty decisive about a lot of things, but I have a real fear of commitment when buying airline tickets online. I spend days dithering about whether I should click on that final purchase button!
8. I usually order a crab cake or scallops when I eat out.
9. I don't like to watch most sports on TV, but I do like to watch college football. I used to be a Cornhuskers fan, but have switched to the University of Miami Hurricanes since my son went there.
10. I "plan" to live to at least 100. All of the siblings of one of my grandmother lived into their 90's and my grandmother was a month shy of 99 when she died. Several of my father's siblings are in their 90's as is my mother's sister. Given the fact that I don't have any major health problems and I have good genes, I think it's a good bet I'll be around for awhile.
And now to pass on this award--in no particular order
1. Blueberry Moon-love her quilts and admire that anyone with 8 kids would have time to blog!
Honestly, this list could go on and on. I've "met" such wonderful people through this world of blogging and think all of them deserve this award. I hope you'll take the time to visit the blogs in the list above. I'll look forward to seeing what they have to say in their "acceptance speeches" and visiting the blogs they list.


  1. Congratulations on the award, Susan! I'm sorry you tore a calf muscle but playing on the Field of Dreams is cool!

  2. Congrats! Cool facts! Here's to getting to 100!!!

  3. Congratulations on your award Susan! I loved your accomplishment of singing with the Boston Pops! :o)

  4. Thanks for the award, Susan! It was fun reading about you! I enjoy your blog.

  5. Thank you for the award Susan. I enjoyed reading more about you. I drive through Dyersville when I go to Mississippi River Sampler Guild events. MRSG is based in Dubuque.

  6. Thansk for the award, Susan! I enjoyed reading about you. I love mysteries, too, but usually manage to start smack dab in the middle of the series. It's a treat when I manage to do it right & start at the beginning.

  7. Hi Susan - I wanted to log on to my laptop so I could comment on your blog post and thank you SO much for the blogger award - I've done my fun facts if anyone cares to read the post. Thanks for thinking of me - I am a faithful reader of your blog - I just can't comment on my work PC - arrghhh - have fun ! Mel

  8. Congratulation on your award and thank you Susan for my first award that I have ever gotten also!! I really enjoyed reading about you and hope that I can think up 10 interesting things from my boring life!!!!


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