A Lot Going On

Since I last posted, I've had an unexpected curve in my work life when my employer offered an early retirement package. I'm one of a group of 25 in my school district who are eligible. The offer came after I had spent nearly an hour the previous evening typing a report into the on-line program we use only to be suddenly kicked off the program which, of course, didn't save my work. Just minutes before I saw the e-mail with the offer, I had had an unpleasant interaction with a parent who yelled at me when I asked him to let his child out at the corner rather than in the middle of the street. Leaving it all behind looked very attractive. I spent the weekend imagining how it would be to have time to stitch and quilt during the day, how I would be able to plow through the stacks of books laying around my house, how I would be able to devote more time to volunteer pursuits, how I would be able to travel with my husband and not be bound by a school year schedule. I've worked my entire adult life, even when my children were babies, and I thought it would be nice to have some more time for the things I want to do. The fifth panel for Petit Sampling Etui (shown in the picture) got finished during that thinking time.
But now that the idea has had some time to marinate and I've had time to consider whether I'm really ready to retire, I'm not so sure. My youngest will be going off to college in the fall and my responsibilities outside work will drop off considerably. My husband will still be working for another year or two and maybe I need to keep the status quo so we can develop a new rhythm without too many life changes at once. I have until April 16 to make my decision. Are there words of wisdom from any of you who have taken this step?


  1. No words of wisdom from me I'm afraid. I just wanted to send you good thoughts and wishes. It's a big decision to make! Good luck with the youngest going off to college -- that will be a big change for you right there! And on a change of subject, I love that panel of the etui! I need to get around to this piece!

  2. No words of wisdom from me either. How good is the retirement package? If the package is a good deal, and not one that will be offered again, it may be worth taking advantage of at this time.

    Congrats on finishing the panel of the etui. I'll echo Margaret in saying I need to get around to this piece too.

  3. I have one year, 3 months and 27 days to go until retirement. I've been counting for 10 years. I CANNOT wait to be able to go to bed when I want and get up when I want. I can't wait to stop thinking about work when I wake up at 4:30 in the morning. I truly, truly love my job but I've been working non-stop since I was 18 and I can't wait to do the things I want to do. I say, "do it". My husband says, "you never know how much time you have left. Start that fun stuff as soon as you can!"

  4. I haven't been in that type of a situation! I guess some of it would depend on the offer itself.

    Your stitching is pretty!

  5. If you can financially get by with the retirement package, take it. I don't think anyone, at the end of their days thought to themselves "I wish I'd spent more time at work" ...

  6. I like what Nic said, but then I haven't been in that situation before. Good luck with your decision! I like the etui.

  7. I retired early from a school district here in California. It will be 2 years in July. It was the best decision I ever made! My husband retired 6 months after I did, so we are both home now. I love not being on anyone's schedule other than my own. My suggestion is to first talk to your pension people and figure out what you would receive if you retired now with the golden handshake. Then figure out what the benefit would be if you retired in the next year or two without the handshake. Usually if they are offering a handshake this year, it won't happen again for a while. I don't have the same deductions anymore so that almost made up the difference in my monthly income. It was a really scary decision to stop working but I have not regretted it for one minute! Good luck on your decision!

  8. good luck with your decision, Susan. I am years away from that one and envious of anyone who is retired. Most of the group I hang with to stitch is retired or works part-time...I would love to have that time, but it's a little ways away since I want the paycheck!
    Love seeing what you're working on and glad to be a follower (this blog stuff is addicting). Sherry

  9. Good luck, whatever you decide. I keep reading this in chronological order, so that's why my comments may seem "odd" or "out of place".


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