The Year in Review

I've wrestled a little with how to measure 2009. I could list the quilt projects I've completed (9) or the cross stitch/needlepoint projects (21) or the books I've read (at least 50). I could talk about having to participate in a due process hearing at work, one of the most difficult times in my professional life. Or I could dwell on the stress of watching from afar as my oldest struggled to make ends meet in this economy in Los Angeles and his uncertainty about his career choice. Or the stress of helping/encouraging/outright incessantly nagging my daughter to get her college applications done. Or the difficult time my church is having with a pastor out on medical leave. Or the frustration of not being able to drop some pounds.
But there have been many, many blessings as well. My middle son completed a very successful freshman year at college and had a great summer as a camp counselor. It was wonderful to see him so happy. After some coaching from my husband and me, my oldest negotiated more hours and a raise at his job. He also found a cheaper apartment so some of his financial troubles are reduced. My daughter and I had a great time visiting college campuses and I think she made good choices about where to apply. My husband and I are in great health and our daily walks during the summer and fall were wonderful for reconnecting at the end of the work day. (He is still walking outside every day. I'm a wimp and use the treadmill when the temperature dips below 40). Our house is in great shape and my husband isn't thinking about another remodeling project. I'm thankful that my 91 year old aunt is still cognitively intact and I enjoy my weekly conversations with her. We attended four weddings, and no funerals. I've built up a great stash of quilt fabrics and have more than enough projects lined up to get through the next year.
By the end of 2010, we'll be empty nesters. I'm sure there will be some surprises along the way. Here's to a happy new year to all of you, too!


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