Progress Has Been Made

This is the very lovely Ann Smith sampler from The Scarlett Letter.  I started this the first weekend in February.  It was put aside for a month or two, but has become my travel project.  The repetition of the borders make it a great project for my Wednesday afternoon stitching with friends.  I love the colors in this sampler and that keeps me motivated.

My friend, Melody at, keeps encouraging me to return to regular blogging.  During the past few months, we have had several major family situations.  That, coupled with persistent dreary weather in southeast Pennsylvania, made me withdraw from many things.  I seemed to spend a lot more time reading that stitching, and I didn't do any quilting for several months.  I spent time re-evaluating and re-prioritizing what was important to me.  My emotional tide is turning, the weather is better, and I am gradually getting more motivated to resume some activities.  Thanks for continuing to read my posts! 

I'll leave you with this picture taken during our day trip to Cape May, New Jersey yesterday.  I posted it on Instagram and you can find me there as mamadry3.


  1. I need to do a blog post too. I think about it but simply don't get it DONE! I too have had some "stuff" to work through and feel like I'm coming out of it. Work related and I'm so glad I'm through all that!

    I love reading your posts. You're always up to something good or have been somewhere fun to read. Ann Smith looks wonderful. Can you believe I don't have one SL chart in my stash? I don't know why...

  2. Ann Smith looks good. Thanks for sharing your picture from Cape May.

  3. I just dscovered your blog and it is very nice to read it :) Thanks for sharing your passion with us ! Your start on Ann Smith is looking good ...I look forward to seeing more :)
    Have a wonderful day,

  4. Have always enjoyed reading your blog posts, and have missed you. Ann Smith looks great! Love those colors . . . and I think she may be in my stash, too.

  5. Beautiful progress on Ann Smith! She's one of my favorite stitches. I'm sorry to hear you've been having various issues, but glad to hear you are turning the tide. It's always good to see you on IG -- it's easier than blogging. But blogging is good too!

  6. thanks for the mention Susan! I can't wait to see you next month and Ann too I hope. That is a favorite of mine but not in my stash (WHY?) I know blogging gets harder but to me FB posts are so impersonal and you can never find them again if you want to return to something you saw that you needed a second look at. I'm glad you are coming out of the spring drearies and are looking forward to a great summer. Hugs and take care - Mel

  7. I hope you are enjoying the same beautiful weather there as I am here in DC -- simply beautiful. A nice way to wave good bye to last night's storm. May your days continue to improve and your stitching and reading treat you well!


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