Spring Break, 2nd Edition

Spring Break, 2012 is going well.  My husband and I rounded out the weekend by going to see "God of Carnage" at the Walnut Street Theater in Philadelphia.  The play is about two sets of parents who meet to discuss what to do after one couple's son injures the son of the other at the playground.  The parents end up acting like children and it was highly amusing.  An added bonus to the afternoon was running into someone I had worked with until she retired several years ago.  We have a subscription to the Walnut as does she and her husband.  Each of us had exchanged our regular tickets so that we could attend the Sunday afternoon show and we ended up sitting next to each other.  It was so much fun to catch up and see pictures of her newest granddaughter. 

I finished stitching the February chart for Blackbird Designs Anniversaries of the Heart last night.  It's too early to get a good photo this morning, so I'll have that for you later.  Next up is Amy Mitten's Not For Us Alone which is shown above to you in all its wrinkled glory. This hasn't been touched for a loooong time. I'm about a third of the way through "Chapter 2" (of 7).  This piece is destined to hang beside my Jane Longstreth on the dining room wall.  My husband placed Jane on the wall off-center so that there would be room for another piece.  I went through my WIPs to find something that was roughly the same size and Not For Us Alone fit the bill.  That's the first time I've ever used that method to determine what to stitch next, but it works!

I've been following fellow stitchers as they participate in Heather's Themalicious 2012, but haven't been doing it myself.  I think that Not For Us Alone qualifies for Amazon April, so I'm going to be jumping in.

I'm off to a dentist appointment, a follow-up with my oral surgeon and lunch with a friend.  I have a quilting project and some stitching planned for the afternoon.  I love spring break!!


  1. Sounds like you are enjoying your break ~ all except the visit to the surgeon (not too bad I guess if it is a follow~up)!
    Great stitches and enjoy the rest of your break!

  2. What fun to go to the theater with friends! And your Not for Us Alone - nice! I have mine somewhere as a UFO. I need to learn the Montenegrin stitch. lol! Glad you're enjoying your spring break. (I want to stitch Jane Longstreth someday!)

  3. Your break sounds wonderful. Always nice to have time to do some things you want to do at your own pace. Not For Us Alone looks beautiful. Glad you're joining in for Amazon April.

  4. I did "Not For Us Aline" several years ago. You will either learn to love or hate the Montenegrin stitch. I think I'm leaning towards hate myself! Althought the piece did turn out great. Enjoy your Spring Break!

    Pat L

  5. Sounds like a fun break! NFUA is looking great - I don't know about all those specialty stitches - they'd drive me crazy but I greatly admire you and others that tackle them!

  6. You seem to have spent a great spring break full of exciting things (besides the visit at the dentist's, lol). I'm still enjoying my Easter break but next Monday it's back to school here, too.

  7. Hello

    Just found your lovely blog.

    Your Not For us Alone WIP looks great.
    Sounds like you had a great spring break apart from the dentisit of course.

  8. What a lovely WIP! I hope the dentist visit goes well.


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