It Takes So Little

I purchased this MP3 player a few years ago so that I could download books from my library. Only problem was I couldn't get the required software from the library to download onto my desktop computer. I got around that for awhile by downloading the software onto a laptop, but then the laptop died last summer. I had been thinking of replacing it, but at the moment, my desktop does most things I need it to (although it can be slow about it) and it seemed extravagant to buy a new computer just to download books. I do have an I-touch and an account at Audible, but I really prefer the MP3 player at times since it's small and fits easily into my pocket so that I can listen to books while I clean. Besides, the books I put on it are free. Today after looking at the Best Buy ad as I do every Saturday, I thought I'd try to download the necessary software one more time. And lo and behold, it worked! Cleaning the house was much more pleasant while listening to Meg Cabot's Size 12 Is Not Fat. It really does take so little to make me happy.
Thank you all for your comments on my work situation. They were all really comforting and helped me to see that this is an opportunity to grow.


  1. Audio Books are the best! I have a Zune (Zoey) which is currently loaded with 12-15 books. She goes everywhere with me. I am currently listening to Jayne Ann Krentz. Our library does not offer free downloads - but it sure would be nice!

  2. Aren't audiobooks wonderful? I don't know what I'd do without them. I need to figure out how to get the free downloads from our library -- which I just discovered existed. :D


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