The Daily Strand

I decided to join a group of stitchers who post on the Hand-Dyed Fiber forums and do a daily strand on Quaker Christmas (By Gone Stitches). I started this about 18 months ago and had only the two big motifs on the left stitched. So far, I've stitched on this every day during the last week and it turns out it's a great daily strand project. There is only one color of thread for the large motifs and the graph is easy to read. I'm seeing lots of progress and sometimes it's hard to put this away. But I'm steeling myself to do just the one strand as I must stitch the final two panels on Petit Sampling Etui to have it ready to be finished at my sampler guild meeting in February.


  1. Your piece looks wonderful. I've heard of a lot of people doing the one strand a day stitching. I think what's nice about that is you do get a little bit of it done everyday, and that all adds up!


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