Getting Ready for Retreat

At 9:00 tomorrow morning, I'll be on my way to my sampler guild's semi-annual retreat at Salty Yarns and the Lankford Hotel in Ocean City, Maryland.  These trips require more than a little bit of preparation.  About six weeks ago, I started pulling potential projects.  I knew that I wanted to start Blue Ribbon Designs Quilted Garden at the retreat since that piece is hanging on the walls in the hotel. 

I spent some time pulling the DMC threads from the nearly complete collection I have of my own threads and those I inherited from my mother.  And yet, I will need to buy some colors at Salty Yarns, so they went on my shopping list along with the NPIs I will need to start the Susan Rambo sampler in January.

From the possible "small" projects, I chose Turkey Love from Plum Street Sampler.  After all, it is beginning to be that season.
It's only 5" x 5" finished, so I should  be able to get it stitched this weekend, right?  I had the called for Belle Soie threads, but not the NPI silks so they were added to the shopping list. 
Another not so small project, Blackbird Designs' Anniversaries of the Heart, has been calling my name again, and the bonus chart in the Swan Lake leaflet (#7) doesn't look like it will take that long to stitch.  Another project was readied for retreat and more threads were added to the shopping list.
I cut and washed the fabrics and turned to  my stitching bag.  It's a Donna Sharp bag and
I love the pattern.  I tucked the shopping list inside and took a few minutes to clean it out.  Inside was this needlepoint canvas that is sooo close to being finished and is one of my duClay EGA challenge pieces.

So this obviously needs to come on retreat, too, since it's perfect for those late night stitching sessions when my eyes are tired. And then there was the project bag holding Drawn Thread's Prairie Garden that I started on my birthday in August and haven't touched since.  It's also a duClay challenge piece.
That definitely needs to stay in the bag.  The pre-stitch piece for the Chessie and Me class the guild is giving in mid-November will be delivered at the retreat.  I'm thinking I'll need another bag and I haven't even begun to pack clothes or food (I know my priorities!). 
There will be a report next week on what I accomplished in Ocean City.  I hope all of you have a happy stitching weekend!


  1. Have a fabulous time at your retreat! Enjoy the projects you are taking in your bag.

    Robin in Virginia

  2. oh my dear Susan - your stitching wish list of projects is a lovely one. glad to hear you have that duClay challenge piece in there too ! I have heard so much about Salty Yarns - sounds like a great time and I love all your pieces. Enjoy and be sure and report back. Mel

  3. Love seeing all your projects that you plan to take with you! Love your stitching bag too -- it's beautiful! I hope you have a great time at the retreat! I'd love to visit Salty Yarns someday.

  4. I love to well plan my retreats too! You have some beautiful things to work on during your time away. I've never been to Salty Yarns but have heard wonderful things.


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