A Long Winter's Nap

As you can see, we've been up to our chairs in snow this winter.  This photo was taken after the great ice storm of  '14 when we lost power for 44 hours.  Fortunately, we have a gas fireplace that kept us toasty for the duration, but I discovered that I get quite cranky when I've been without coffee for 72 hours. Not much on an inconvenience, really, when we knew people who were without power for five days.

We've had snow on the ground since December which is quite unusual for us in the Philadelphia area.  As a result, my morale and motivation have taken quite a hit the last month.  I've hardly been at the sewing machine despite needing to keep going on the paper piecing class I'm taking.  I've been working away at those bottles of beer (stitching only--I hardly ever drink the stuff!!) and am up to 62 (of 99) completed.  I didn't make the deadline for the Smalls SAL in February.  In other words, very little to show for my time.  I did, however, watch all the episodes of House of Cards Season 2.

And I didn't even mention the technology h*ll that went on around here for a week or so.  All prompted by my husband wanting a keyboard for his iPad.  Great gadget, except that it wouldn't make the Bluetooth connection in our house.  I took it back to the store and the connection was made in seconds.  Then, I dropped my beloved classic Nook (or as the B&N saleswoman said, the one from 2009) and cracked the screen. I decided to get a Nook Glowlight since I already have a tablet and I really like the e-ink display.  But it was not love at first use with this new e-reader and less so when I couldn't get it to connect to the internet in the house.  Again, it connected in seconds when I used the free wi-fi at the library.  (Yeah, I know, ironic that I took my e-reader to the library to get it to work).  All of which forced me to come to grips with the fact that our wireless router is really outdated and inadequate.  I already knew that since I couldn't get my printer to function wirelessly.   And because when all the kids are home running their laptops and smartphones, somebody (usually me) is always getting kicked off the internet connection.   So another trip was made to the big box electronics store, a purchase was made and now all is right in our little wireless network.  Now, if I can just get my husband to stop asking me questions about how to use the new iPhone he got last week, I should have a lot more time to stitch.


  1. Love House of Cards. I watched all the new episodes at once too. Love your techno trail of adventures. It sounds so familiar. Good luck with your new router and I hope it makes everything connect smoothly. Funny how all theses terms would have been foreign to us ten years ago and now we are all so savvy. I am right there with your husband and my new iPhone. Nice progress by the sounds of it on your 99 bottles. I am anxious to see it, I might do it for my son in law, he brews beer.

  2. Funny how weather affects us so much! I haven't made much progress this winter either on my sewing. But, lucky for us, no router problems, and no power outages.

  3. We had to get a new router when I got my Nook too. I've switched over to Kindle now and I really not having to have something to light up the screen.

    Weather definitely affects my moods. Even though we have more sunny winter days than you probably have, it's tough to have a lot of gray days in a row. I hope your mojo comes back!

  4. Lots of weather challenges! That's an impressive photo. I might have had to boil coffee in the fireplace somehow?!

  5. Oh my. I hate when all the electronics are acting up at once. Glad you got a new router and all was solved. I am hating this weather so much. So so sick of snow.

  6. No more snow, please! I am done! The news said it was the second largest recorded snowfall on record for Philly. I am so ready to come out of my late winter funk. Funny about the router, we just and to replace ours too!

  7. The last winter was crazy! OK, I wanted "a decent winter", the kind of I remember from my childhood, and oh boy, did I get one! There were days when it was -30 degrees Celsius below 0, and that's cold! I am glad this summer has been a bit easier to bear. OK, it has been warm and I have managed to burn myself, as I usually manage to do every summer, but this has not been super hot summer like some summers have been.


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