Friday Night Sew-In

It's been a busy week, starting ith my son's graduation and progressing to an overnight trip to Washington, DC in the middle of the week. I hadn't seen my sister who lives in Iowa for about 18 months. When I learned that she and her husband were going to be in DC for the week, I made plans to meet here there. A day or two later, she called and if I would like to be on a private tour of the White House with her. Who could pass that up?? So my husband and two of the kids tagged along and we all had a fabulous time. Then the new graduate had his wisdom teeth out today. I'm ready for some prolonged time on the couch with a stitching project. Pictures tomorrow, I hope. You can pop over to and join in the fun.


  1. Wow, you've had a busy week! Congratulations to the graduate! Wisdom teeth -- ouch. I had to do that when I was in high school, so I know what that's like. Private tour -- cool! Glad you got to see your sister and get that tour too.

  2. Gosh, what a week! Fabulous happenings, except for the wisdom teeth. And just when he'll need wisdom, too. =) Hope you got to sew last night.


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