WIPocalypse Check-in #2

 Grace Mason (Of Female Worth)
 The verse over one

Grace Mason is finally done!  Some of us on the Legacy board had Thanksgiving Day starts one year.  I'm thinking that must have been in 2006.  As I've mentioned in other posts about this piece, the verse was the text for the sermon at my mother's funeral, and this was the first piece I worked on after we returned from the trip to the Midwest for the service.  I've also mentioned in other posts that I remember working on the border as I sat with my mother's sister, who was 90 at the time, and listened while she tried to come to terms with giving up her apartment and moving to assisted living.  Lots of memories in this piece.
Now I'm concentrating on Lizzie Kate's ABCs of Aging Artfully.  I've managed to "personalize" this piece by miscounting threads in the first row which means I'll have to fudge here and there.  This piece is either going to be made into a pillow or framed to hang in the guest room (if I ever get my older son's bedroom redecorated into one) so I'm definitely not frogging three rows of stitching.  Trying not to sweat the small stuff !


  1. Very pretty stitches and what a sentimental piece for you. A treasured stitch for sure.

  2. Wow, Susan! Grace is Gorgeous!!! I love all of your family history that goes along with this beauty. You should somehow narrate that on the back when you get it framed, or write it down and put it in an envelope that is secured to the back. It is truly beautiful. Congratulations!!!

    Love the LK piece - I had not seen that one before - darling!

  3. That is an absolutely beautiful piece and it's wonderful that so much family things are tied to the piece. The colors are just stunning.

    I like the Lizzie Kate piece too - it looks like a fun one to stitch.

  4. Oh my gosh -- Grace Mason is absolutely stunning! Congratulations on finishing her. From what you said, this is a special piece for you in many ways too. I love your Lizzie Kate WIP as well. Fudging makes it all your own, right?

  5. Grace Mason is gorgeous. Congrats on an awesome finish.

  6. Gorgeous sampler! And it has a sentimental value too :) Your Aging Artfully is pretty. The miscountings only make it that much yours.


  7. Grace is gorgeous ! So many bittersweet memories wrapped up in this piece. Just lovely and your Lizzie Kate is so perky and colorful. Enjoy that one - mel

  8. That Miss Grace is so beautiful! How do I keep her out of my stash?

  9. Congratulations on finishing Grace! She is truly lovely!

  10. Wow! congrats on such a stunning finish :D and lovely progress on your other piece.

  11. Your Grace Mason is amazing! Congratulations on finishing it with so many memories! I love that Lizzie*Kate - as all Lizzie*Kates!


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