Time is Running Out!

Although I don't post about it often, I read a lot.  A lot, as in 138 books and counting this year.  It helps that I like to listen to audio books.  Since I read for pleasure, much of this material doesn't require deep thought and therefore, I don't burden you with my reviews.  In case you're really curous about what I'm reading, you can check out the Goodreads link in the sidebar. 

If there's one thing I have more of than cross stitch charts, it's books.  I'm taking the Off the Shelf challenge sponsored by Bookish Ardour and committing to reading 50 of the books that are already on my shelves.  That will only make a small dent in the pile, but it's a start.  If you want to take the challenge, too, the sign-up is open until the last two weeks of December.


  1. I'm not a big rereader so I've never acquired much in the way of book stash. I'm not big on listening to books as I find that I don't end up paying attention so much if I'm doing something else. It becomes background noise. What will you do with the books when you're done?

  2. That would be a good challenge for me. I belong to two book groups, though, so I don't always get to what's on my shelf. I'll have to try hard when I do have "discretionary" reading to take it off the shelf.

  3. I love to read also. I usually do around 100 books a year. This year I will not get close as I have spent more time cross stitching.

  4. You go girl!! After a few moves, I try to not accumulate too many books that we haven't read. My daughter wants to keep a library so she does get a lot of books but we tend to read them right away. I'll enjoy watching your progress and getting tips on good books!

  5. It seems that this is the only worthwhile information on the net for this, I've been searching and couldn't get anything more so thanks for this post.

  6. Since I also read for pleasure, much of this material doesn't require deep thought and therefore, I don't burden you with my reviews.

  7. Audio books are very helpful especially to blind people. Thanks for posting this article. collection company


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