We Return. . .

. . .to the main purpose of this blog. I've had many posts lately about our activities, but no updates on quilting and stitching. You've all been kind in bearing with me as I navigate this period of change in my life. In between moving the kids and enjoying the freedom of not having them around, I have been working on a few projects. My quilting guild had a UFO workshop a couple of Saturdays ago and I completed one top and sewed the backing. That inspired me to sew the backing for a top I completed last spring. I'm nearly done with a quilt made from Boy Scout fabric for my son or I will be as soon as I replace the inner border. All these will be shown in good time. In the meantime, I give you a progress picture of Postcard from Paradise. This has been fun to do. Stitching the grid for the boxes has been perfect for the nights when I'm really tired (as unfortunately I often am due to my new assignment at work). As you can see, I'm nearly done with the squares and border, but I only have two strands of floss from my original skein left. It's a Crescent Color thread and the dye lots are not consistent. I trekked to two stores to buy other skeins but have found that the color is now more blue than green. Fortunately, I'll be able to use the dark portion of one of the skeins and it will match the green border pretty closely. I think. Stay tuned for picure of a finish* later on this week.
*I know none of my kind readers will point out that I've made this prediction before.


  1. Oh gosh, I hope the dye lot issue doesn't mess you up and you can finish the piece with no ill effects. It's really pretty!

  2. It looks great. Good luck with the dye lot issue.

  3. Susan - I'm glad you are finding time for a little stitching and quilting - you have had a busy summer and fall adjusting to all the new things that have been thrown your way. Love your progress on this - i had not seen it before.
    Enjoy! Mel

  4. These are such fun to stitch with all of the sweet and different motifs. It is so pretty too...it won't be long, Susan, until you are happy dancing with a fini!


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