Excuses, Excuses

I could offer a lot of excuses for not posting in the last two weeks, but the fact is, I've been just plain busy. The spring and fall are the busiest times at work for me since I have lots of reports due, and I've been putting in some extra hours writing those reports and meeting with parents. I have also been getting an application ready for a supplemental position at my job. It hasn't been all work, though. I took a class from Betsy Morgan with my sampler guild and I took a class from Linda Hahn with my quilting guild (I took the New York Beauty class--more on that later, but just have to say her method of sewing the curves is so slick. I've done three blocks and all are perfect.) And snuck in a night out with friends from work.

I've also been on a bit of a buying spree for quilt fabrics and these showed up on my doorstep last week. There's the Rural Jardin line from French General--perfect for making a quilt for my daughter who is going to a college whose colors are red, white and blue. Now just to find some time to sit down at the machine!


  1. No worries -- life gets busy sometimes! Love that fabric there! What a lucky daughter to get a quilt made out of Rural Jardins! Yum!

  2. I'm right there with you on the busy, so i really understand. Just love all the fabric that you pictured. Yummy!

  3. Love the fabrics. I am halfway through my first class - a rail pattern (I think) and I know I am hooked. Watch out fabric websites, here I come.

    I like you son's quilt. Hope the brightness doesn't keep him awake. lol

  4. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I bought a bunch of this fabric too, it's gorgeous isn't it? What are you going to make with it?


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