Actual Stitching Progress

Here's the third panel of Petit Sampling Etui. Not tooo much frogging occurred during the stitching of this segment, so it went more quickly than the first two panels. I'm plugging away on the fourth panel and discovered last night that I needed to frog a small section I had misplaced. Shouldn't take too long, but I want to make forward progress, not reverse! I'm getting a bit discouraged about how long it is taking me to stitch this since I've been working on it pretty much exclusively since July. I've always known that I would finish in the top three if there is ever a contest for World's Slowest Stitcher, but this is getting ridiculous!!

Of course, my foray into knitting (thank you everyone for your kind comments!) and trying to complete four quilt tops to take to the quilter next week has abolutely nothing to do with how little stitching I'm getting done. Nothing at all.


  1. I know what you mean about being a slow stitcher, Susan. There are some really speedy needles out there and I can't keep up! Your progress is beautiful and you'll get there soon.

  2. Susan - this is just beautiful ! I love the Petite Etui - I want to stitch it so bad but just will NOT start this right now. I know it would end up pitched in the UFO pile and it deserves better so my chart and linen are carefully lovingly stashed for now. Knitting (sigh) the big EVIL for me - in the fall - I just succumb to the pull of the wool and can't worry a bit about how little stitching progress I am making. My first love is wool and always will be - wool rug hooking, wool yarns, needlepoint with wool - I've even done a couple of cross stitch designs with wool - Gotta love the wool ! Mel

  3. Beautiful stitching! I cannot keep up with the fast stitchers, and I don't even work outside my home! Three kids, a DH, a dog, and other hobbies keep me busy!!
    Enjoy your knitting as well!
    Take care

  4. I can't keep up with fast stitchers either. I dare to say I am pretty decent stitcher.


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