OMG Where Does Time Go?

I had every intention of writing a few more posts this month but, as usual, other things intervened.  I've been busy trying to clean out and organize our basement storage area.  It's cluttered with the things I removed from our children's rooms prior to getting new flooring and having the rooms painted last summer.  At this point, the kids have been through most of their things and decided what they will keep (texting pictures of items to them on a daily basis really helped with this process).  Now it's up to me to box up and store everything.  They were pretty selective so it's not a lot of stuff, but it does require a bit of a time commitment.

This month I had trouble sticking with one project both in quilting and in needlework.  So I accomplished my March One Monthly Goal with just a day to spare.  Turns out I only needed to make four Farm Gurl Vintage blocks to have the 48 needed for the quilt.  The pig and the sheep were fun even though they had a thousand pieces each.

I left the OMG logo with the snowman as it represents the snow/ice storm we had in the middle of March.  It was a pretty mild winter as that was really the only storm that required shoveling.  Nonetheless, we were glad to get a taste of spring at the Philadelphia Flower Show.  This year's theme was Holland and the tulips were gorgeous.

I got a new sewing machine last summer with an embroidery unit.  Finding a place to keep it set up was what prompted all the redecoration and reorganizing of the bedrooms.  I took a class on placement techniques for embroidery during this month and spent some extra time playing with the machine.  I have a new eyeglass case to show for my time.

I hope you had a productive month.  Go over to Elm Street Quilts and see what everyone else accomplished in March.


  1. Susan, it looks like you got a lot accomplished during the month of March. Your quilt blocks loos super. Enjoy your weekend!

  2. Love your quilt blocks! The Philly flower show looks fantastic!

  3. I wondered if you got any of that snow in PA - guess now I know LOL ! Glad you could celebrate spring at the Phili flower show - I know it's quite the event. Your sheep block and other blocks are darling. Keep bloggin' - Hugs Mel

  4. Congratulations on getting so much accomplished! Want to come to my house and sort out my son's things???

  5. One shoveable snowstorm doesn't sound bad at all! We are already being pretty close to 90. Thankfully the humidity is low.

    I haven't explored the embroidery side of my machine yet at all. I should be but you know how that goes. Now I'm really entertaining the thought of getting a serger. I did sew a couple of mini churn dashes today that finish at 3". Fiddly for sure! Glad to see a post from you!


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