Nearly Done

The end is in sight for Quaker Christmas. (Looks like I have some ironing in my future!)  I'm hoping to finish this up over the weekend as my evenings this week are too busy for any stitching time. 

Speaking of being nearly done, I'm writing this post at 7:30am when I would normally be at work and busily preparing my lessons for the day, getting ready to run off to an 8:00 meeting or catching up on paperwork.  But in my last week as a working woman, I've set the alarm for an half hour later than normal,  had a  leisurely breakfast and wandered into work around 8:30.  What's more, I've actually left at 4:00 instead of 5:00.  All preparation for my upcoming life of leisure.  I think I'll be able to handle it.


  1. Your Quaker Christmas looks amazing! You're so close to being done! Sounds good on the preparation for your life of leisure. :D

  2. QC is spectactular, Susan. I consider myself semi-retired at this point, having left a 40-hour job for a 20-hour job. I am content. I did not expect the adjustment to be as quick and easy as it has been. I hope the same will be true for you!

  3. You are so close!! Sounds like you are easing into your life of leisure quite well!

  4. Good for you. I've been semi-retired for years. You'll love it.

    The Quaker is spectacular. That'll be quite a finish.

  5. The sampler is awesome

    Enjoy your retirement--am sure you have more than earned it

  6. Way to savor the last few days of being a working woman! You've earned it!

  7. Quaker Christmas is looking gorgeous. I hope you have a very enjoyable retirement

  8. Congrats on the retirement...I am full of envy! Can't wait to see your quilt - love that fabric. Looks a bit like French General?!

  9. Quaker Christmas is absolutely gorgeous Susan - I'm glad to hear you are easing into retirement with style and grace. Hope you are able to hold it together for a few more days - Congratulations ! Mel

  10. Hello

    Your stitching looks beautiful!
    Happy retirement (:


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