WIPocalypse Check-in #1

ABCs of Aging Artfully - Lizzie Kate

Grace Mason
WIPocalypse is being hosted by Measi.  Although sign-ups are now closed, you can still stitch along with everyone throughout the year.  Here's my first check-in showing my progress on my two most active projects.  Grace and I survived a small crisis.  I ran out of the DMC 316 that I was using and the new skein I bought is a lot lighter.  Who knew DMC would change dye lots?  DMC 316 is the lavendar needed to fill in the flowers on the basket and in the red flowers.  I rummaged through the stash left from my mother's things and thought the skein from there was a little too light also.  I explained my problem to an employee of my local needlework store and she offered to run home and bring me what she had from her stash.  The bottom line is that I have a pretty close match and the store has a very grateful, loyal customer.

I've been busy as always since my last post.  All five of us enjoyed a week on Sanibel Island on the Gulf coast of Florida between Christmas and New Year's.  The weather was gorgeous and the shells were plentiful.  I ate grouper every chance I got.  We flew back on my husband's last day of employment.  Thanks to his frequent business travel, he and I were upgraded to first class.  Not only first class, but the very front row of the plane.  The flight attendant saw my husband take some snacks back to our children who were crammed into coach seats and we struck up a conversation.  As the plane was landing, the attendant announced to the enitre plane that there was a special passenger in Seat 1F who was retiring after 37 years.  Everyone on the plane applauded, and my husband, who doesn't let much bother him, was slightly embarrassed.  I thought it was a nice way to end his career.

I seem to have the rhythm of my daily life back again after winter break and my two younger children are now back at college, so I promise to be a more faithful blogger in the next few weeks.


  1. That's so cool about the whole plane clapping for your DH! He deserves it for sure. I hope he enjoys his retirement. Sanibel Island -- how nice! I love your WIPs! I remember when you had that DMC crisis. I'm so glad you found a DMC that matches more or less. Who knew DMC did such things? Ugh. Looking forward to seeing both WIPs more. I missed out on sign ups for WIPocalypse, but I may very well dig up some of my WIPs!

  2. I wish your DH a very happy retirement. It got off to a good start. We celebrated my brother's retirement by taking an extended family trip to Disney in Florida. While dining at one of the theme park restaurants the emcee of the show asked the audience to stand up and applause my brother in honor of his retirement. My brother was a bit red faced... but I know he loved the recognition.

  3. Glad you are settling back in after a great vacation at Sanibel - I have never been there - can you believe it ! Also never been to Key West - I guess when we vacation we just want to go north and get OUT of Florida and not go where things are even more saturated. Glad you overcame your DMC dilemma - Grace is looking gorgeous. Hope you get around to posting again soon - Mel

  4. Sounds like a great vacation. What a nice thing for the flight attendant to do. Very cool. Even if it embarassed your husband I bet it will something he will tell his friends about and smile to himself about for a long time to come. As for the ABC's of Aging.....I think you have caught up to me.

  5. Beautiful stitching! It sounds like a fun trip, too--nice of the attendant on the flight to honor your husband that way!

  6. I am glad they did such a nice gesture on the plane. You can stitch beautiful items.


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