EGA Challenge, Part 1

I'm now a member of the duClay Chapter of the EGA in Jacksonville, Florida, since I'm going to be joining them for an Ellen Chester class in February. I can't tell you how excited I am about that! I feel as if I already know some of the members from their blogs or postings on bulletin boards and can't wait to meet them in person. If you know me well in real life, you would know that going to Jacksonville for a weekend is somewhat out of character for me. I tend to dither about how guilty I feel spending the money and leaving my husband home alone. But as I near 60 and retirement, I seem to be adopting a new attitude and when this opportunity came up, I decided to just go for it. I'm sure it will be a fantastic experience. The deClay EGA seems to be an active chapter and although I can't attend their meetings, I can participate in this year's challenge. Participants may choose up to 10 projects and assign a value of $1-5 ...