Move Along (WiPocalypse #8)
Move along, there's nothing (much) to see here. Stitching went by the wayside this month as during the first half I was preparing to move my son and during the second half I was racing around getting ready to go back to work. Some of that was fun as it included lunch with friends and a fabric shopping trip in Lancaster County. And then there was the part that was actual work--interviewing for a new therapist in our department, attending a conference on billing and doing an evaluation. My district has four days of teacher inservice this week and the kids start on Tuesday. I'm already bringing work home in an effort to keep up! Funny thing is, though, that I find I actually stitch more when I'm on a schedule. Hopefully, I'll have more to show in September, but for now, this is all you get. Some progress on Quaker Christmas I picked up Elizabeth Rush again on my birthday. Those over-one letters have been stitched, frogged and re-s...