Another Monthly Goal Accomplished
My One Monthly Goal for August was to complete a block-of-the-month quilt. I started this is 2015 and then work on it stopped when I decided it wasn't going to the originally planned recipients. My nephew got married in a small ceremony in July, 2016 right before I had surgery on my shoulder. I'm slowly getting back on track completing larger quilts and thought this would be a good gift for the (somewhat) newlyweds. When I put the finished top on my bed, I was tempted to keep it. I even showed the picture to my sister to confirm whether or not her son and daughter-in-law would like it and was more than a little disappointed when she said they would love it. But I know this will go to people who appreciate it, and it's perfect for their home on the coast of California. I'm linking up with Elm Street Quilts . It's always fun to see what others accomplish during the month.