Goodbye to 2016

And good riddance! This year has been a challenging one and I'll be glad to see it go. It seemed that every month brought a crisis or disappointment, and my husband and I found ourselves becoming less resilient. The most upsetting event will likely be an ongoing issue, but I am very grateful for a wonderful friend who supported me through the worst of the drama and beyond. There were smaller setbacks such as our refrigerator conking out one night in early December. It's true that I like the new one better, but the timing wasn't the best. Nor is it ever good timing for three root canals, which my husband had in November. I'm sure you're getting the picture of what our year was like--just one thing after another. In fairness, 2016 wasn't all bad as we were able to travel to Cuba. It was a trip we had dreamed of taking for several years and were happy that we had the opportunity. In the city of Trinidad, I s...