Making Progress

Wow, less than two months between posts from me--shocking, I know! It's been a great summer with lots of gorgeous days and cool nights. We have wonderful memories from our trip to Germany and Vienna at the end of June although it took me quite a bit of July to get back into a routine. I've been doing a little bit of quilting and little bit of stitching most days along with a lot of reading. In my stitching life, I've been focusing on one project, Carriage House Samplings Alphabet, and here's my progress to date. I'm hoping for a finish in the next two weeks so I can show this off at my guild meeting. On the quilting front, I putting together these blocks for a lap-size quilt. (They are laid out on my "design floor" as I call the ugly green carpet in my basement and are not outside on the grass!) The blocks were all made last year and then got put aside for another project. Toes in the Sa...