Slow and Steady

I'm making some progress on the Scottish Band Sampler (Scarlett Letter). The Hungarian flame stitch eats up a lot of thread and a lot of time. I'm liking the secondary pattern that is emerging. I'm hoping to finish this one entirely before I go to my sampler guild's retreat next weekend, but I would settle for a finish of the eyelets and flame stitch. Speaking of the sampler guilder, one of its members who shall remain nameless (she knows who she is) committed a tremendous act of enabling. She brought in a needlepoint piece she had obtained through the Shining Needle Society, a Yahoo group. Of course, I had to check it out and now I, too, am taking a class through the society. Here's my progress on Inchies, a wonderful design by Kathy Rees of Needle Delights Originals. I have self-imposed a limit of one "inchie" a day because these are like potato chips--you can't stitch just one! And if you are interested in needlepoint, do...