Out and About

I was feeling that my husband and I were already settling into a little bit too much of a routine now that we're both retired. It's great to spend a leisurely hour or two each morning reading the papers and then moving on to a few chores followed by lunch, more reading and some stitching. But I also felt we needed to have a little more adventure, so one day this week, I told him he needed to be ready to leave the house at 9:45. Not until we were on the train into Philadelphia did I tell him the plan for the day. Our first stop was the Philadelphia Art Alliance to see the Sunshine and Shadows exhibit I had read about. The pieces were created from film strips deaccessioned by the Fashion Institute of Technology. The artist cut the film strips apart, bleached or painted them and then stitched them back together into quilt patterns. There are only five pieces in the exhibit, but it was interesting, as was the exhibit of Lithuanian textiles on the ...