It's Been a Heck of a Week

Who am I kidding--it's been a heck of a school year. This new assignment has me working my tail off. I'm usually in between 7:15 and 7:30 and most nights I don't leave school until after 5. I'm getting way too old for this and quite frankly, I regret that I didn't take the early retirment package last spring. I was hoping to leave by 4:30 today, but thanks to a phone call from one colleague and a visit from another, I didn't get out until 5:15. And I still brought work home this weekend. But in a few minutes, I'm going to get comfy and settle myself at the sewing machine with a book on tape (Laura Lippman's In a Strange City) and a cup of tea and sew the night away. Hope all of you are doing something nice for yourselves this weekend too.