Out with the Old, On with New Age

Happy New Year, everyone! So far, it's been quiet and very cold here in southeastern Pennsylvania. We had a nice Thanksgiving with my son in (much warmer) Los Angeles, and a great Christmas at home with two of our children. I hope all of you had wonderful holidays also On January 1, I emptied my ort jar. It's always fun to see the layers of threads. Those blue and green threads are from Needle Delights Starstruck. The red is from a needlepoint canvas of a ladybug that I didn't quite get finished in 2017. The threads at the top are probably all from Brenda Keyes' Sampler Houses. Pictures of these projects will appear in future posts. My OMG (One Monthly Goal) in quilting is to finish New Age, a block-of-the-month quilt from 2016. I kept up with making the blocks on schedule and then didn't follow through with the setting. Here's where the project is as of this afternoon. I need to sew together the other six blocks, an...